Include Lawn Care and Garden Maintenance for Rental Properties (2)

Include Lawn Care and Garden Maintenance for Rental Properties

Incorporating lawn care and garden maintenance as a standard part of rental agreements benefits landlords, tenants, and property managers alike. Here’s why including these services in your rental agreements is a smart move.

For Landlords:

Include Lawn Care and Garden Maintenance for Rental Properties (3)

Include Lawn Care and Garden Maintenance for Rental Properties 

As a landlord, whether you live out of town or are busy with other projects, having a pre-arranged garden and yard maintenance plan for your investment properties can save stress and ensure your property value is maintained.

  1. Property Value: The appearance of your garden and property significantly impacts your property’s value during bank finance, refinancing, and property appraisals for rental income. A well-maintained garden entices quality tenants and future buyers.
  2. Maintenance: Nothing is more disheartening than seeing your property decline in appearance and value due to poor maintenance by tenants. Regular garden maintenance helps prevent this issue.
  3. Tools and Equipment: Tenants may not have the necessary tools or expertise to maintain the garden properly. It might be in the landlord’s best interest to hire a professional gardener for regular maintenance, possibly sharing some of the costs with tenants.
  4. Pest Control: Neglected gardens can become havens for pests like rats and mice, which can enter the house and cause damage to wiring, plumbing, and insulation. Regular maintenance helps prevent such infestations.
  5. Neighbourhood Harmony: Well-maintained gardens contribute to the overall appeal of the neighbourhood. Nobody wants to live next to the worst-kept house on the street, and complaints to the council can be costly and stressful.
  6. Attract Better Tenants: Regular garden maintenance attracts better tenants who appreciate a well-kept property and are likely to stay longer.

For Tenants:

Include Lawn Care and Garden Maintenance for Rental Properties

Include Lawn Care and Garden Maintenance for Rental Properties

Tenants might think they can save on rent by doing their own garden maintenance, but unless they are avid gardeners, this might not be the best idea.

  1. Time Management: Balancing garden maintenance with work, family, and social commitments can be challenging. Finding the right time and weather to work on the garden is often difficult, leading to overgrown lawns and weedy garden beds.
  2. Consistent Care: Professional lawn care guarantees that your garden is consistently well-maintained. Professionals will attend regularly at an agreed time, ensuring your garden remains neat and presentable.
  3. Stress Reduction: Gardening tasks can cause stress and even household arguments over responsibilities. Professional maintenance removes this burden, allowing tenants to enjoy their outdoor space without worry.
  4. Cost of Equipment: Gardening equipment can be expensive to purchase, store, and maintain. Hiring professionals eliminates these additional expenses.
  5. Safe and Enjoyable Space: Overgrown gardens can become “no-go” zones due to fears of pests and vermin. Regular maintenance ensures the garden is a safe and enjoyable space for tenants to use.


Including lawn care and garden maintenance in rental agreements can lead to happier tenants and better-maintained properties. For landlords, this means increased property value and fewer maintenance issues. For tenants, it means less stress and more free time. Ensure both parties put the agreement in writing, clearly stating responsibilities and the frequency of tasks such as gutter cleaning, tree pruning, and lawn mowing.

Investing in regular lawn care and garden maintenance is a win-win for everyone involved, making rental properties more appealing and ensuring they remain in top condition year-round.

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