Your ultimate guide to seasonal lawn care has just been made so much easier! Whether you’re a dedicated lawn enthusiast or just beginning your lawn care journey, these month-by-month tips will ensure your lawn remains healthy and vibrant year-round.

January - March Winter Prep and Maintenance

January – March Winter Prep and Maintenance

January – March: Winter Prep and Maintenance

  • Vancouver Island: Take advantage of the milder winter weather to aerate your lawn and address any compaction issues. Consider overseeding with cool-season grasses to fill in sparse areas.
  • Lower Mainland: Protect tender plants from frost by covering them with frost cloth or mulch. Prune dormant trees and shrubs to encourage healthy spring growth.
  • Okanagan: Clear snow and ice from pathways and driveways to prevent slips and falls. Consider applying dormant oil spray to fruit trees to control overwintering pests.
April - June Spring Growth and Nourishment

April – June Spring Growth and Nourishment

April – June: Spring Growth and Nourishment

  • Vancouver Island: Begin mowing regularly as the weather warms up, but avoid cutting too short to maintain moisture. Apply a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy growth and address any moss or thatch buildup.
  • Lower Mainland: Keep an eye on soil moisture levels and adjust watering frequency accordingly. Combat early-season weeds with targeted treatments or manual removal.
  • Okanagan: Start planting warm-season grasses for a lush summer lawn. Prune flowering shrubs after blooming to maintain shape and encourage new growth.
July - September Summer Maintenance and Hydration

July – September Summer Maintenance and Hydration

July – September: Summer Maintenance and Hydration

  • Vancouver Island: Water deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth and drought tolerance. Adjust mower blade height to provide shade and reduce moisture loss.
  • Lower Mainland: Implement pest management strategies to tackle lawn pests like chafer beetles. Consider installing rain barrels to collect water for irrigation.
  • Okanagan: Keep your lawn well-hydrated during the heat, watching for signs of drought stress like wilting. Apply a summer fertilizer to replenish nutrients lost through mowing and watering.
October - December Fall Renewal and Prep

October – December Fall Renewal and Prep

October – December: Fall Renewal and Prep

  • Vancouver Island: Clear leaves and debris from your lawn to prevent suffocation and disease. Aerate and overseed to promote healthy growth.
  • Lower Mainland: Fertilize with a high-phosphorus mix to support root development and winter hardiness. Plant spring bulbs for a colorful display next year.
  • Okanagan: Reduce watering as temperatures drop, but monitor moisture levels to prevent dehydration. Apply a winterizing fertilizer to fortify your lawn against the cold.

By following this month-by-month, you’ll be equipped to care for your lawn with expertise and confidence. Here’s to a year of healthy, vibrant grass!


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