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What to do after fertilizing?

Now you have fertilizer, you have lime, and you have your spreader, you’re almost ready to go. Just make sure you wear gloves and a mask when dealing with the lime! It isn’t the most toxic substance, but many lime mixtures can be quite dusty and you should avoid breathing in the lime. During the dry British Columbia summer heat, the last thing you’ll want to be doing is breathing in lime dust.  

Read the bags carefully! Typically, most brands here in British Columbia will include instructions on what spreader to use, how much fertilizer to put on your lawn, and what pattern you should walk as you’re spreading the fertilizer. This should make it easier to determine the right amount to use on your lawn, but it can be hard to hit the ratios right.  

In British Columbia, one of the most common mistakes first time gardeners commit is putting down too much fertilizer. This can lead to something called “fertilizer burn”, where the leaves of grass are scorched, turned brown or yellow, and this can eventually lead your lawn to die. This damage can be reversed if there is still rain to fall in the season, and a layer of topsoil and grass seed can do wonders, but this can be a headache after spending money to make your lawn look great in the first place! 

While fertilizing your lawn in British Columbia is not rocket science, there are many things to consider if you want to optimize your lawns chances of success. This could take some research and planning to hit the right time windows, nail the nutrient and lime ratios, and know how frequently to do it again. If you are finding that you don’t have the time, or simply don’t want to do the work, call us here at BC Mowing & More British Columbia and let us take care of the work and planning for you. Our experts are trained on the best schedules and practices for lime and fertilizer treatments to ensure that we do the tough jobs for you!