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When to Power Rake? 

In British Columbia, the ideal time to do a power rake is before entering peak growing season, so early spring (once the grass has already started to grow). You can still do a power rake later into the spring and sometimes even into the summer, but you need to make sure that whatever the conditions are, they are good enough to promote quick growth of grass and a speedy recovery in turn. Otherwise you might find yourself doing a power rake in the summer right before a lawn killing drought happens.  

YOU are definitely not done 

Now that we’ve performed a power rake on your lawn, there’s still a lot of work to do.. The moss and thatch are gone but what’s next?   

Once all of the moss, thatch and debris has been raked and removed, it’s time to start hauling in your top-soil. Make sure you know what turf is growing on your lawn and what top-soil is best for it or best for the region you live in. You’ll notice that there will be bare spots, especially if you had a thick layer of moss on top. The goal is to spread a thin layer of top-dress (or top-soil) that will cover any exposed roots and low spots, but that won’t choke the roots either. You’ll want to avoid packing it down so that the roots can breathe as well. Rake it out lightly to help create a smooth, thin layer.  

After this, we like to add a layer of grass seed to our top-soil to help repair any patches of stripped roots. A power rake is a powerful machine and if your lawn is filled with bumps and dips, it’s easy to go too deep. Adding grass seed is a necessary step to help ensure a proper recovery happens, whether from bare spots left from the moss or those unfortunate bumps and dips. 

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After the Power Rake

Next, it’s time to add your nutrients! We always add fertilizer and lime treatment to our power-rakes to ensure that your lawn gets nourished! In {{mpg_city}}, the rain never stops, but with the pollutants from the rain, it can easily make your lawn too acidic to receive nutrients which is why we always include lime treatment with any fertilizer service. A power rake is an aggressive process that can put stress on your lawn. Without adding nutrients to help speed the recovery of your lawn, it will be vulnerable to diseases and other pesky problems. 

The last thing you’ll want to do after is water! In {{mpg_city}}, you don’t have to worry about getting enough water most of the year. You don’t necessarily have to water right away, but the quicker you can get the nutrients and water into your soil, the better. Just make sure that if you wait, you keep a consistent watering schedule the minute the first rainfall happens. As soon as the seeds and nutrients are wet, you need to make sure your lawn is consistently cared for to ensure a healthy recovery. 

In {{mpg_city}}, adding a power rake to your lawn care list is important to help fight moss. Hopefully this guide has shed some light on why, when, and how to do a power rake. Although not the most complicated of yard tasks, this one is a task that requires some expertise to ensure that you don’t accidentally damage your lawn in the process. We would highly encourage you to give us a call and have us provide you a free quote for power raking services! With our local expertise, our franchisees will help you get the best out of your power rake!