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Spring Cleanup: Gardening

As with the other categories thus far, your garden will have accumulated dead debris and clutter throughout the winter, especially here in British Columbia. Be sure you don’t start a spring cleanup of your gardens before the ground has thawed, but when you do you’ll want to remove the leaves, branches, or other foliage that remains.

You’ll also want to pull all of the weeds out to clear the soil fully. Flowers won’t grow without enough space so to ensure that your flowers don’t get suffocated this spring, call your local Jim and have them remove all unwanted clutter, pull the unruly weeds, and clear that needed space to give your flowers the best chance to bloom!

  • BC Mowing & More hedge trimming services
  • BC Mowing & More hedge trimming services

Walkways & Patios

Here in British Columbia, there’s enough debris falling down to make pathway clearing a weekly job. Your patios and walkways will probably be where you see your yard from the most, but if these areas are dirty, it might make it tough to appreciate the fine work that has been done to your yard already. In order to avoid this during your spring cleanup, you’ll want to make sure you get your furniture cleaned, look at and remove the mold and mildew that has grown on anything, and perhaps you’ll want to get all of your pathways pressure washed to get that truly clean look. BC Mowing & More British Columbia can certainly help you with this too as most franchisees offer pressure washing services.

So keep an eye out for that last frost and have our number ready. Here in British Columbia, our Jim’s family is eager to help you achieve your dream yard so don’t hesitate to reach out for your annual spring cleanup!