Your Autumn Gardening To-Do List

Autumn might feel like a peaceful season, with its mellow fruitfulness, but for gardeners, it’s one of the busiest times of the year. There are leaves to rake, perennials to tidy up, and diseased branches and leaves to watch out for. To stay on top of everything, it’s essential to have a well-organized plan. Here’s a checklist to help streamline your autumn gardening tasks:

Tidy Up the Beds

  • Cut Back Spent Perennials: Remove dead growth to prepare plants for the winter and encourage healthy growth in the spring.
  • Boost Plants with Beautiful Seed Heads: Leave some plants with attractive seed heads for winter interest and wildlife support.

Weed Control

  • Remove Weeds from the Root: Get a head start on spring by removing weeds now when they are less aggressive. This prevents them from taking over in the warmer months.

Clean Up Debris

  • Throw Away Dead Wood and Leaves: Prevent matting, which can suffocate your beds or lawn. Compost healthy leaves and dispose of any diseased ones properly.
  • Control Vine Growth: Trim back any overgrown vines to keep them from overtaking your garden.

Lawn Care

  • Mow the Lawn: Give your lawn one final mow before winter sets in. This helps maintain its health and appearance.
  • Check the pH Level of Your Lawn: If the pH is below 5.5, apply chalk or powdered limestone. Correct pH levels support vibrant grass growth and reduce susceptibility to diseases.
  • Spread Organic Fertilizer and Compost: Nourish your lawn and garden with organic matter to promote healthy growth come spring. Fertilizing now also helps control weeds.


  • Plant Perennials and Bulbs: Autumn is perfect for planting spring bulbs and other perennials. Choose sunny spots for bulbs to ensure they thrive.
  • Plant Deciduous Trees, Shrubs, and Evergreens: These plants establish roots well in the cooler, wetter autumn months.

Save Seeds

  • Preserve Heirloom Varieties: Collecting seeds now gives you a head start for spring planting and helps maintain cherished plant varieties.


  • Clean Gardening Containers and Tools: Disinfect pots to remove soil that could harbor bacteria and diseases. Clean and sharpen tools to keep them in good condition and prevent contamination.

By following this checklist, you can ensure your garden is well-prepared for winter and set up for a vibrant and healthy spring. Happy gardening!

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