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Leaf Cleanups: the most tedious of Fall Cleanups?

Although some people enjoy raking up their leaves, many find it one of the most tedious aspects of Fall cleanup yard work. Although not everyone’s favourite thing to do, a leaf cleanup is one of the most important Fall season tasks of yard work , especially in British Columbia where the trees are numerous. Keeping your pathways clear, and even making sure the street gutters aren’t clogged are a common courtesy, particularly in heavily tree covered areas. Our BC Mowing and More! team can come for weekly cleanups to help cut down costs and keep your pathways safe.

For lighter leaf falls, we can also mulch your leaves which will leave useful nutrients for your lawn, and we’ll haul away bigger leaf falls so you don’t have to. In British Columbia, our BC Mowing and More! team will do a thorough job to make sure your needs are met, whether you’re looking for perfection or just need to get the job done. 

Wind/Storm Damage 

In British Columbia, our Fall storms can bring damaging winds or worse. Sometimes those storms can bring down massive branches or other debris from the trees above. Don’t fret. Just call us at BC Mowing and More! and we’ll come by and clean up and haul away any of the debris caused by storms. We even offer this service in the winter months, so keep us in mind for any of these unfortunate events. 

 Cleaning up your yard can be a time consuming task, and in British Columbia as the months get colder, spending lots of time outside might be the last thing on your Winter wish list. Call us at BC Mowing and More!  British Columbia to schedule your free quote for a Fall cleanup and we can take care of the yard work for you, give you peace of mind and the free time to enjoy it!